Committees are comprised of residents who volunteer their time for the benefit of our community. This important work helps the board of directors perform their jobs efficiently. Click on a committee below to read about its purpose. 
If you are interested in serving on a committee, Contact Us.

Architectural Review

The Architectural Review Committee was established to ensure that design decisions support an aesthetically pleasing environment for all property owners. The decisions the committee makes help ensure that Lake Caroline's property values are protected and the community continues to be a beautiful place to live.  
-establishing and updating LCOA's Design Guidelines, while maintaining consistency with the LCOA covenants. 
-making decisions on a property owner's request to add or modify the outward appearance of the owner's home or property, external structures, and landscaping. 
Chair:  Kenny Pittman
Project Manager:  Danielle Hopson
Board Liaison: Allison Balducci

Welcome Committee

Purpose: The Welcome Committee seeks to personally welcome each new owner who moves into Lake Caroline.  
Responsibilities: Each month members receive an invitation on sign-up genius to sign up for new neighbor visits. Members can volunteer as much or as little as they want.  
Chair: JoJo Herring
Note: Seeking at least 1 volunteer in each neighborhood, but more are welcome! If you are friendly and have a positive attitude about living in Lake Caroline please let us know by submitting a Contact Us ticket.


The Events Committee promotes a community spirit by coordinating a variety of social events annually.
Typical Annual Events 
Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Fling
July 4th Celebration and Fireworks Display
Kids's Trunk or Treat
Breakfast with Santa
Co-Chairs for Children's Events:  
Board Liaison: Brian Wiese


The Finance Committee provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organization’s finances. The committee reports directly to the board. The primary responsibility is to ensure that the association is operating with the financial resources necessary to meet its short and long-term goals. These goals support the association’s mission to provide member programs and services which safeguard property values in the community.
Members: Blake Ferretti, Charlsie Hendon, Melinda Lott, Gail Noe and Pat Robertson
Board Liaison: Brandi Conico


The Lake Committee recommends actions to the Board of Directors for preserving and enhancing the health and quality of our lakes and for safe recreational use of the lakes.
-Initiate, investigate and recommend policies and actions for maintaining and improving the health and preservation of the lake and shoreline including water quality testing, erosion and sediment control measures and aquatic vegetation control.
-Recommend controls, conservation and enhancements to the lake
-Recommend policies, procedures and rules for lake recreational use including boat registration.
-Investigate and recommend improvements for use and design of clubhouse boat slips and fueling station.
-Annual review and update of lake management plans.
-Educate the community on best practices for preserving the health of the lake and safe recreation. 
Chair: Michal Spooner
Board Liaison: Johnny Barlow


The primary role of the committee is to make improvements or additions to landscaping beds throughout Lake Caroline. Initially, the developer of a community installs landscaping beds. Once the homes are sold, the developer transitions responsibility for the beds to our homeowner association. At this point, LCOA is responsible for updating beds, as needed. 
Exception:  Bed maintenance is managed by LCOA staff who oversee the vendors contracted to perform the work.  
Board Liaison: Blake Ferretti

Park Committee

The purpose of the Park Committee is to enhance Lake Caroline’s park for the enjoyment of residents while ensuring such enhancements are consistent with the purposes detailed in the deed to the park. The committee will conduct activities to encourage residents, both adults and children, to connect with nature at the park and make recommendations for the conservation of the park’s natural habitat.
The committee will initially be comprised of 12 members. The membership number may be adjusted, as needed, by the Chair, who is appointed by the Board of Directors annually.  Additional officers will include a vice-chair, secretary, and events coordinator, elected by the committee, or appointed by the Chair.  
-Plan and conduct activities for residents to enjoy the natural habitat of the park.
-Make recommendations for the conservation of the park habitat.
-Obtain board approval for projects. Exception: educational projects do not require approval.
-Submit monthly report to the Board of Directors.
-Submit a budget request annually.
-Provide updates and promote events via News Notes.
Chair: Freida Hawley
Board Liaison: Sheldon Ford