Local Info
Quick access to the following info...

Drivers License

Current Mississippi residents may be able to renew their drivers license online. Follow this link to learn more.
For out of state residents moving to our community, the state requires applicants to bring certain documents to the licensing office.  Read here for details.

Driveway Blocked or Road Safety

All roads in Lake Caroline are considered public streets, apart from Caroline Pointe, Belle Pointe and Katherine Pointe. If a property owner has a concern related to the ability to access or exit their home, or any other immediate safety issue related to a road, then the property owner should contact the Madison County Sheriffs' department for assistance (601.859.2345 or 911). The County will respond to a direct request from the property owner, but not the homeowner’s association.
This differs from a complaint about a pothole or road maintenance related issue. Those issues are handled by the county road department (601) 855-5671.

Elections and Voting

Register to Vote:
Residents who have lived in Madison County for at least 30 days may register to vote either at the Circuit Clerk’s office in the Madison County Courthouse in Canton ( 601-859-4365) at your local City Hall. If you are new to Mississippi, you can register to vote when applying for your Mississippi drivers license.
For additional information located on the Madison County Government website click here.
Where do I Vote:
The voting precinct for the Lake Caroline community is at our Bellevue Drive Clubhouse located @ 667 Bellevue Drive.
Precinct Name: 210-Lake Caroline Clubhouse
Voting District:
US Congressional: USH03
State Senate: SS22
State Representative: SH58
Madison District (Supervisor): SUP-4 or SUP-2, depending upon your location. Click to see map.
Justice Court Judge: JC-3
Constable: CON-3

Emergency Services

For emergencies
Dial 911
Madison County Sheriff's Office
(601) 859-2345

File Homestead Exemption

To apply for Homestead Exemption go to one of the following offices:
Madison County Tax Assessor’s office
125 West N. Street, Ste 111, Canton – (601) 859-5590 or (601) 859-5226
171 Cobblestone Dr, Madison – (601) 856-4472
Homeowner's have until April 1st of the year AFTER you move into your home to apply.
For additional information including all of the documents required for applying click here.

Internet and Utilities


Canton Municipal Utilities
(601) 859-2921
Atmos Energy

CenterPoint Energy

Canton Municipal Utilities
(601) 859-2921
Telephone, Internet and TV
(601) 557-6500
C Spire
Bear Creek

Canton Municipal Utilities
(601) 859-2921

Local Government

Madison County is governed by a Board of Supervisors consisting of five districts.  The Lake Caroline community is mostly located in District Four but part of the community is in District Two.
The Board meets at least twice per month in Canton at the Madison County Chancery and Administrative Building located at 125 West North Street in Canton. Check their Madison County Website to validate the meeting date, time and location. Meetings are now streamed online.
To find the complete list of all of the elected officials in Madison County, click here.
Other important information located on the Madison County website includes:
  • filing homestead exemption
  • registering your vehicle
  • register to vote
  • pay taxes and car tags.

Local Hospitals

Baptist Medical Center

Central Mississippi Medical Center
(601) 376-1000

Merit/River Oaks Hospital (Canton)

St. Dominic Hospital
(601) 200-2000

University of Mississippi Medical Center
(601) 984-1000

Pay my Car Tag

To pay online click here for Tax Collector, from there click on the Pay Car Tag link.
To pay in person, go to:
Madison County Tax Collector’s Office
146 West Center Street, Canton – (601) 859-5226
171 Cobblestone Dr, Madison – (601) 856-4472
168 Carter St., Flora – (601) 879-9537

Post Office Locations

150 S. Union – (601) 859-7245

4852 Main Street – (601) 879-3101
990 Highway 51 – (601) 605-1381
611 S. Pear Orchard Road – (601) 956-4045


The Lake Caroline community is located in two public school districts.  
Canton Public Schools
(601) 859-4110

Madison County Public Schools
(601) 879-3000