LCOA has three saltwater pools located on Bellevue Drive at the Bellevue clubhouse, on Peninsula Drive at the Martinique clubhouse and on Bridgewater Drive. Be sure to bring your key card to access our amenities.
Hours of Operation
During summer months the pools are usually open 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. daily.
Pool Closure Schedule for Maintenance:
Monday - Martinique
Tuesday - Bellevue
Wednesday - Whispering Pines
*Pools may need to be closed for additional maintenance from time to time. A blast email is sent to you when this occurs.
Guest Limit
4 guests per household. Household includes the member and anyone residing in the household. Members who want to request approval for additional guests must call the office at 601.898.1370 during office hours so please plan ahead. The intention is that an owner and/or member of the owner’s household, may bring up to 4 guests. Please see the following examples:
- A Grandmother living with an owner may bring 4 guests if no other member of the household is bringing guests.
- A family member living with owners may take 4 guests, if no other member of the household has brought guests.
- There are 3 people in a household: a parent and two children. If one child brings 2 guests and the other brings 2 guests then the household limit of 4 guests has been met.
Pavilion Reservations
Requests for parties using 1/2 of the Whispering Pines pavilion will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please submit a Contact Us ticket or call us at 601.898.1370 with your request. The Bellevue and Martinique pavilions will not be used for parties.